Organizations with great cultures outperform those with inferior cultures. They outperform in terms of talent retention, customer relationships, knowledge sharing,
innovation, long term financial performance and a host of other success indicators. This is true for a private enterprise, sports team, hospital, university, retail
store, not for profit agency, or a professional services firm. They are not only more successful, but firms with vibrant cultures are also more satisfying places in
which to work. In short, organizations that focus on culture work create an environment that is good for business, good for its people and good for the community. Where’s your organization on the high performance culture scale?
Featured Information

Cirovski Serving Up "Secret Sauce to Success"
By Brady Reid, 05/26/21, 11:00AM EDT There is a simple formula for finding success in the beautiful game: E=mc² In this context, it’s not the work of physicist Albert Einstein being applied but rather the ‘chemistry’ assessment of a team done by Windsor TFC Owner Vancho…
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Role of Leadership Groups in Team Sports
We recently completed a number of sessions with leadership groups comprised of 5 to 6 representative members of high performance sports teams. Our discussions were focused on clarifying their leadership role and dealing with the inevitable challenges of the coming season. The…
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The depth of the resulting analysis has been invaluable to the growth of our team. We were able to really pinpoint which individuals have been making our team tick and there were a few surprises. Gaining that information has allowed us as coaches to be better leaders. We also learned where our team is connected both on and off the field, as well as where there's a lack of connectedness." Brian Pensky, Head Coach, University of Tennessee Women's Soccer
It’s undeniable that team “culture” plays a pivotal role in team success. But, how do you know if your culture is helping or hurting your performance? Vancho has developed an integrative sports-team oriented survey to measure how strong or weak your culture is. It is a fantastic tool that provides the type of feedback that gives you insight into your team dynamics. I have used Vancho’s various tools for assessing our program for the past 12 years. His feedback has been extremely valuable in cultivating our team culture."Sasho Cirovski, Head Coach, University of Maryland, Men's Soccer
Having the right players, playing the correct system are both very important to putting a successful team on the field. The Xs and Os are important but the key to any successful team is the culture. The first thing I have done when I have taken over a new team is to try to see what the current looks like and then improve it. Without having any new players, a team can immediately improve if the culture can improve. We have a good culture at Notre Dame but the Peak Consulting Survey showed me that we still have areas where we can improve and to remain successful it is important that we continue to improve." Bobby Clarke, Head Coach, University of Notre Dame, Men's Soccer